Emma refuses, not wanting to give into darkness, and tells her to just take the wisp and go. Sensing the stranger's desperation and sympathizing with her plight, Merida lowers her bow and quiver to the ground and suggests they fight in hand-to-hand combat and the winner can have the wisp, provided that Emma doesn't use magic. Merida, mistaking her for a witch, prepares to shoot her with an arrow, but Emma explains she needs the wisp in order to be rid of her cursed Dark One powers. Several months later, while still looking to find her brothers, Merida discovers a will-o'-the-wisp, and she catches it, hoping it will lead her to them, only to be magically pulled back by a woman, Emma, who is also seeking to obtain the wisp. (" The Dark Swan", " The Bear and the Bow", " The Bear King") Additionally, because she refuses to marry any of her three suitors from the three clans to further cement her ties, all the clansmen decide she is unfit to rule since she is a woman, and they rebel against her by exiling her mother Queen Elinor and kidnapping her three younger brothers, leading her to set out to rescue them. (" The Bear King")Īlthough Merida is next in line and becomes Queen, the clans lose faith in her because she failed to protect her father King Fergus during the southerners' invasion. In horror, she watches the man cut down her father and steal his helm, before Mulan leads her away from getting further involved in the bloodshed. Merida shoots an arrow at the knight, but the shaft punctures a piece of the man's cloak instead. Realizing her father had Mulan keep her away from direct combat, she hurries to join the battle, getting there in time to see a knight, whose face is obscured by a helmet, approaching to attack Fergus. During another sparring session, Merida hears a horn blow signaling the southerners' attack. Although Fergus secretly procured a magic helm to guarantee a victory in battle, he decides to take his own advice by leading his men by sheer strength of character, and throws the helm into the river, having no more use for it. Fergus states she must show proof that she is willing to die for the same cause they are fighting for. As her father contemplates the upcoming skirmish, Merida asks about how he has managed to instill respect into his men so they will fight for him, as she will have to do the same one day if she inherits the crown.
#Meredith brave how to#
This new acquaintance teaches Merida how to duel properly and disarm her opponent, but also instructs her on being a warrior.

The mystery warrior quickly knocks her flat on the ground, much to the redhead's shock, but then, the soldier takes off the helmet, revealing she is a woman as well and introduces herself as Mulan. Fergus gifts her a bow and mentions getting her a tutor to teach her how to fight, but because Merida is eager to prove she is capable, she rushes into a sword duel with a nearby soldier. Lord Macintosh doesn't take her seriously because she is a woman, but Merida ignores his jibs and focuses on learning about the nature of war from her father. After saving her mother and three younger brothers from a curse, Merida joins her father King Fergus at a battle camp, where members of clans DunBroch, Macintosh, MacGuffin, and Dingwall are preparing to fight against southern enemies who are planning to invade their territory.